Monday, December 30, 2013

Rich people and large amounts

What makes one great? Is it the fact that their deeds are great or is it because people think their deeds are great? Social Media has become a tool with which we can lie, boast or dream of how perfect our imperfect life is.  

Mark 12: 41-42
. . . many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Poor Servant of God

He who seeks to keep his wealth shall lose it
But he who loses it for the sake of the Servant of God
Verily verily I say unto you
Shall save it.

Didn't our Lord wash his disciples feet
And teach that the master should wash the Servant?
So who am I,
Humble Servant of our Lord -
Who am I,
Your dedicated Servant -
To say nay when you come forth to wash my feet?

For if foxes have dens
And birds have nests
But the Servant of God has no place to lay his head
How in God’s name shall the gospel be spread?

I am but a poor Servant of God
And if you want to be complete
Go and sell all your possessions
And give it to the poor,
The poor servant of God.
And Thou shall have treasure in heaven.

©2013 Otiato Opali
'Live until you die!'

About Me

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Though I might look like your common guy next door, there's more to me than meets the I. If you get the chance to meet the I, you will find out more about me.